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Riverbanks works round-the-clock to provide outstanding animal and plant care, deliver extraordinary experiences that connect you to the natural world, and share our passion to help save animals and their habitats from extinction.

Your gift today helps offset the rising costs of feeding and caring for more than 3,000 animals and ensures that Riverbanks will remain a place of wonderment for all ages, contributing to the vibrancy, economic strength, and quality of life within our community.

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Remember when you would chase butterflies in an open field or scout for toads along the nearby creek? You can help ensure your children and grandchildren will have fond memories like this, too, by participating in one of Riverbanks’ many fundraising programs, all of which support local, regional or international efforts to preserve wildlife and wild places.

From philanthropic gifts to corporate sponsorships, small businesses to large corporations, partnering with Riverbanks Zoo and Garden is naturally rewarding. All sponsorships support the Zoo and Garden’s ongoing conservation and education efforts, striving to enhance the future for the animals, our children and the community.

Annual Fund

Each year, Riverbanks Society sets aside a special fund to assist with the areas of greatest need within the Zoo and Garden. Donations are tax-deductible and help fulfill the Riverbanks mission.

Community Partners

Riverbanks is paving the way for nature with this unique corporate partnership program, which offers visibility, publicity, networking and extraordinary gathering opportunities.

Corporate Conservation Champions

Annual corporate partnerships support ongoing conservation and education efforts at Riverbanks and beyond, ensuring a sustainable future for the animals, our children, and the community.

Event Sponsorship

Take advantage of high visibility opportunities with an event sponsorship. From the wildly popular Riverbanks ZOOfari fundraiser to the family-friendly Boo at the Zoo, your company’s participation in any of Riverbanks events can make a world of difference.

Honorary and Memorial Gifts

Honorary or memorial gifts to Riverbanks are a compassionate way to pay tribute to or commemorate a friend or family member while ensuring the animals at the Zoo continue to receive the best care.

Matching Gifts

You can double-or even triple-your gift to the Zoo by participating in your employer’s Matching Gifts program.

Your employees can double-or even triple-their gifts to the Zoo by participating in your Matching Gifts program.

Satch Krantz Conservation Fund

For more than two decades, the Satch Krantz Conservation Fund has provided important assistance to conservation biologists involved an array of local, regional, and international wildlife conservation projects.

Silverback Society Planned Giving

From gifts of cash, stock, insurance, real estate, lead trusts to bequests, the Silverback Society program is designed to assist you in planning your contributions with the latest tax guidelines in mind.

Tribute Brick Campaign

Looking for a timeless, heartfelt gift for someone wild about the Zoo? Donate a brick in his or her honor and the family name or your special message will become a part of Riverbanks’ history.

Looking for a unique employee reward or retirement gift? Donate a brick in his or her honor and your special message will become a part of Riverbanks’ history.

Wild Parent Sponsorship

Wild about wildlife? Symbolically adopt an animal at the Zoo. Your gift will help provide quality care while supporting the preservation of a species.

ZOOmazing Art

Riverbanks’ ZOOmazing Art collection includes amazing, one-of-a-kind, abstract paintings created by the Zoo’s animal residents and colorful kaleidoscopic art made of animal X-Rays!

Specialty License Plates

Get in gear and join the flock! Support the Zoo and save endangered animals and their habitats with a Riverbanks specialty license plate. Exchange your current license plate for a Riverbanks plate design with a contribution of $50 plus registration fees, paid to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. Proceeds support the care and conservation of the animals and plants at Riverbanks and beyond. To order your specialty plate, visit scdmvonline.com and search for Riverbanks.